


Reading II Supplementary --20-- Contraception ----- [,kcntrE’s epSEn] 避孕(法)

fertilization ---- The act or process of initiating biological reproduction授精

The act or process of applying a fertilizer 施肥

Cultivate ---- [‘kVltive it]vt.培养;培育To nurture to cultivate a love of art培养对艺术的爱好genic ----[‘dginik] Of, relating to, produced by, or being genes or a gene. 基因的

revive ---- v.tr. To bring back to life or co nsciousness; re’suscitate使复活,使恢复

doctrine ---- A principle or body of principles 教条,教义

Christi’anity----The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus 基督教14EDUCATION REFORM STILL A LONG W AY TO GO IN CHINA reiterate ---- [ri’itE,reit]vt To say or do again or repeatedly 重申;重复

orient ---- vt To focus toward the concerns and interests of a specific group 使…朝向

urge ---- vt To advocate earnestly; press for 极力主张,强烈要求

To force or drive forward or onward; impel 推进,驱策

distinctive ---- distinguishing; Serving to identify明显不同的, 特别的, 区别性的:

distinctive tribal tat‟toos一部落与他部落相区别的纹身

Beer has a very distinctive smell.啤酒有一种特殊的味道。

Outline ---- To give the main features or various aspects of; summarize 概述;概括:

outlined the major provisions of the tax bill. 概述税的主要来源

,comprehensive ---- [c] So large in scope or content as to include much 全面的, 广泛的

gear ---- [giE] To adjust or adapt so as to make suitable 调整或配合以使其适合

geared the speech to a conservative audience调整演讲以适应保守的观众dominate ---- v.tr. To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power 支配

Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.


compulsory---- required 必修的; 义务的;要求的

conclude ---- vi vt To come to an end; close 终了;结束

urgent ---- Compelling immediate action or attention; pressing 紧迫的

fortify ---- v.t To make strong 巩固,强化

conducive ---- [kEn’dju:siv] Tending to cause or bring about; contributive (to) 有助于…的working conditions not conducive to productivity.工作条件不利于生产

Fresh air is conducive to health.新鲜空气有助于健康。

Undertake ---- v.tr. To take upon oneself; decide or agree to do 着手作;从事

undertake a task 开始进行一项任务

competent ---- [‘k cmpitEnt] Properly or sufficiently qualified; capable 胜任的;有能力的

Adequate for the purpose 适当的符合要求的:

a competent typist 能干的打字员 a competent performance 称职的表演faculty ---- [‘fAkElti]Any of the divisions or comprehensive branches of learning at a college or university 学院the faculty of law.法学院

The teachers and instructors within such a division 全体教师

Regulate ---- To adjust to a particular specification or requirement 调节, 调整到特定的规格或要求


