


Reading II Supplementary --10-- vt To follow the course or trail of: 跟踪

spoke with a trace of sarcasm[…sa:kaezEm]带着一丝嘲讽地说

trace a wounded deer跟踪一头受伤的鹿;

tracing missing persons追寻失踪者

trace element [化]痕量元素,微量元素antibiotic---- n.抗生素adj.抗生的

nutritional----adj营养的, 滋养的

nutrition[nju:’triFEn]----n. The process of nourishing or being nourished营养(作用), 滋养,

A source of nourishment; food.营养物

A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。‘Nutriment---- A source of nourishment; food. 营养品营养的来源;食物

An agent that promotes growth or development. 促进生长或发展化学制剂Con’tract----vt To get sth unwanted 感染(病)He contracted a fever.他发烧了。

Liver----The bile-secreting organ of an animal, used as food. 肝Color A dark reddish brown.深赤褐色Trauma---- [‘trCmE]A serious injury to the body 外伤

Hypergly’cemia---- [,haipEg lai’si:miE] The presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood. 血糖过多症

Hyperli’pemia---- [,haipE(:)li’pi:miE] An excess of fat or ‘lipids in the blood. 高脂血

‘hyper- ----[‘haIpE(r)]表示“超级, 超过,高于,过度”之义

gly’cemia -----[g lai’si:mjE][医]血糖过多

li’pemia ----[li’pi:mjE]脂血

attach to---- to cause to join as a member of 使加入成为会员

fml to come to; to come from (正式)加于……之上;来自

The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学。

No blame/ guilt attaches to him for the accident. 此次意外,他没受责备/责任。

No blame attaches to him.他无可责备。

No blame/ guilt attaches to (doing) that. 做那件事并没有过错。

Drip----v.tr. To (let) fall in or as if in drops使滴下或象水滴似落下:

【医】滴注(法); 滴液器

a brush dripping paint;滴着油漆的刷子;

Everything he said dripped acid.他的话里字字句句都带着刺。

drip-feed----vt通过插胃管的鼻饲法喂(病人)流质; 以静脉滴注法给(病人)输液lavage---- [ lE’va:g]A washing, especially of a hollow organ, such as the stomach or lower bowel[au], with repeated injections of water. [医] 灌洗, 洗胃v. 洗(创口, 胃)

in’habit---- v.tr. To live or reside[z] in. 居住在…vi To dwell.居住

To be present in; fill在…出现;填满:

Old childhood memories inhabited the attic.旧日儿时的记忆充满了阁楼

Reach----- The stretch of water visible between bends in a river or channel.


prize---- vt. To value highly; esteem [i] or treasure 重视;尊重或珍视

species---- [‘pi:Fiz]种类; (植物或动物的)种


