


Reading II Supplementary --18--

A very close and trusted friend 密友,至交

Ego ---- egos The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves


id----[id]In Freudian[Ci] theory, the division of the psyche[‘saiki](The spirit or soul.精神神或灵魂)that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for

immediate satisfaction of primitive needs. 私我,本我在弗洛伊德理论中,完全处于无意识中的


superego ---- In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is formed through the internalization of moral standards of parents and society, and censors and restrains the

ego. Mostly unconscious, it is composed of the ego ideal and the conscience. 超我



rib ---- One of a series of long, curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in human beings and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum 肋骨

legend ---- An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical 传说,(历史)传奇故事

somewhat ---- [‘s vmwct] To some extent or degree; rather 相当, 有几分

I was somewhat surprised. 我有点惊讶。

Substantial ---- [sE b’st AnSEl] Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent: 重要的、内容充实的

They won by a substantial margin 大胜

Confuse---- To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding Speculate ---- vt To assume to be true without conclusive evidence 推测

vi To ‘meditate on a subject; reflec t 对某一问题思考;沉思

far-reaching ---- Having a wide range, influence, or effect深远的,广泛的

far-reaching plans for curriculum development 课程发展的长远计划precautionary ---- Of, relating to, or constituting a precaution 预防措施的

taking precautionary measures采取预防措施

gave precautionary advice给予预防的建议

breakthrough ---- An act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction. 突破

A major achievement that permits further progress 重大成就Academician ---- [E,kAdE’m iSEn] An aca’demic大学生,大学教师,学者/ 学术界人士

A member of an art, literary, or scientific a’cademy or society学会会员Embryologist ---- [,embri`clEdgist] 胚胎学家

Embryology ---- [,embri`clEdgi] The branch of biology that deals with the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms. 胚胎学

Ewe ---- [ju:]A female sheep, especially when full grown 母羊

ewe lamb ---- [lAm]唯一的宝贝[孩子]; 最宠爱的人; 最珍爱的东西(来自《圣经》) udder ---- [‘VdE] a baglike organ of a cow, female goat, etc., from which milk is produced (牛、羊等的)乳房


