


Reading II Supplementary --14-- bag ---- vt. To gain possession of; capture 获得,捕获

in the bag----Assured of a successful outcome; virtually accomplished or won. 稳操胜券的

pro- pref.Earlier; before; prior to:在…之前;先于;早于

tour ---- A journey to fulfill a round of engagements in several places 巡回演出/访问/比赛

a pianist on a concert[sE] tour.作巡回表演的钢琴家

final ---- n. The last or one of the last of a series of contests 决赛

the finals of a state spelling bee全国拼字大赛决赛

glory ---- Great honor 荣誉,荣耀

for all of ---- 就...来说

Thus they parted, almost precipitately(Occurring suddenly or unexpectedly), and for all of him,

might never have met again in this world.(Harrison, “Queed”)

他们就这样仓促地分手了,因此,就他个人来说,他们等于没见面一样。for all ---- adv. In spite of尽管

He couldn‟t open the box for all their efforts.尽管费尽力气,他们还是打不开盒子。

For all his achievements, he is very modest.尽管他有这么多的成就,他还是十分谦虚。be distracted by 被...搞得心烦意乱; 被...搞得要发狂

distract---- vtr To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest使分心To make uneasy; disturb; unsettle.使错乱;使不安

Oust ---- vt. (from) (of a living being) force (a living being) out (of) 驱逐;逐出

To oust the president 驱逐总统

Redeem ---- vt To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of重新建立荣誉、价值或声望You botched(To ruin through clumsiness) the last job but can redeem yourself on this one.


To make up for弥补

The low price of the clothes dryer redeems its lack of special features.


Garner ---- vt to acquire 取得;获得

‘Forehand---- adj. Made or done with the hand moving palm forward正手的手心向前击或打的

a forehand tennis stroke网球的正手一击Forehand attack正手进攻

proportional---- being in proportion.成比例的

Properly related in size, degree, or other measurable characteristics;

corresponding: 协调的;相对应的:

Punishment ought to be proportional to the crime.惩罚应该与所犯的罪相应

‘Backhand ----n, adj, adv, v A stroke or motion, as of a racket, made with the back of the hand facing outward and the arm moving forward. 反手击球

She backhanded the ball crosscourt.她用反手将球击过场地

Agility---- [E’dgiliti] The state or quality of being ‘agile; nimbleness敏捷;灵活

‘Veteran ----A person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or a capacity 老手

a veteran of political campaigns政治斗争的老手

establish ---- To cause to be recognized and accepted 使…被接受/ 得到承认


