高三英语试卷讲评课的有效性研究 结题报告(8)


④As is shown in the picture, we can find an old man is asking for passers-by’s help for lying on the ground and can’t stand up by himself.

⑤He can’t decide on whether help or not.

⑥If I am him, I will help the old without hesitation. ⑦It is help others that is our traditional virtue.

⑧We should help the old because respect the old and care the young are virtue in China, ⑨I don’t afraid of them extort money from me.

⑩Let us make our society more warmer and harmonious. …

2. 重视解题指导,提高讲评有效性



step1: 教师先让学生总结科普类文章的特点:文章大部分是介绍科学动态、新的发明创造、科研;文章中有大量的术语和陌生单词,且长难句较多,语法使用比较复杂;所涉及的人物、观点比较复杂;

step2: 教师指导解题技巧:首先我们平时要多关注科学题材的文章,了解一些基本的科普知识;其次,在阅读时要注意实验的目的和结果,不能凭想象和猜测下结论;对于较难理解的句子要利用语法结构去分析;最后,要利用文章特点找准主题句,把握中心,从而一一破解题目。

step3: 即讲即练

With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species. That’s a move similar to what Texas A && M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah’s Ark”.

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