高三英语试卷讲评课的有效性研究 结题报告(12)
第三,课后巩固 1. 设计补偿练习
老师们在讲解学生在试卷中出错率较高的试题之后,为了了解学生对这些内容的掌握情况,特意设计一些与重难点或易错点相关的补偿练习。比如,在试卷分析中讲解完常用替代词one/the one/that/ones/the ones/that/it 的辨析之后,笔者就设计了以下练习来帮助学生进行课后巩固。
① It’s reported that the world’s food price in March is 2.9% lower than ______ in February.
A. this B. it C. that D. one
② His children are well-behaved, while ________ of his sister are rude.
A. that B. the one C. those D. ones
③ The French Revolution was successful in______ society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly ______ in Europe.
A. freeing; that B. freeing; ones
C. ridding; the one
D. ridding; those
④ What I need is nothing but an interesting book, ______ that can kill the time tonight.
A. it B. that C. one D. the one
⑤ All of us want very much to see these amusing movies, especially____ you referred to just now.
A.any B.it C.the one
除此之外,备课组总结历次考试和练习中的错题,并在之后不断重现,帮助学生加强记忆和巩固知识。 2. 课后巩固之 “纠错本”和“美文本”
首先针对学生不重视教师改过的作业,同一错误可以n次屡错屡犯的现状,课题组采用上届高三的做法,要求学生统一订错本,并把自己做过的错题抄在“订错本”上,并用不同颜色的笔注上正确,也可写上分析注解,以便日后翻阅,复习。其次,每次作文讲评之后,教师都会给学生欣赏范文和同学作品的时间,并在此过程中要求学生进行好词好句的摘录,久而久之,学生就有了自己比较固定的“美文本”。这不仅能帮助学生学习他人之长处,也是词汇和语言知识积累的一个有效途径,更是有效课堂的一个延伸。 五、课题研究的初步成果