Cost-PIC Member Free February 3, 2004
Non-Member $300
Printing Industries of California (PIC) recognizes the value of well-written company
personnel policies and procedures. Over the years PIC has published sample employee
handbook language covering basic employment policies. Members have used this
language as a guide in creating written policies and procedures covering the company’s
employment practices and philosophies.
This publication, like others before it, does not claim to be all-inclusive or a final product.
New State and Federal laws and legal decisions will require this sample to be updated,
along with the company's employee handbook, to reflect these changes. Further, each
company must develop an employee handbook, which reflects the employment practices
unique to the company's operation and philosophies. Consequently, a publication such as
this sample must be flexible and open ended to accommodate these differences in
employment practices and philosophies.
In initiating or revising your company personnel policies or employee handbook, do not
hesitate to call Doug Moore, Vice President of Human Resources, for assistance.
Although an effort has been made to provide sample language, which is consistent
with applicable law, employers using this or other language may wish to have a
labor attorney review their employee handbook before publication.
PIC would like to extend a special thanks to the Employment Law Department at
the law firm of Silver & Freedman. They have provided a good portion of the
language contained in this sample handbook and review its contents from time to
P.O. Box 910936 Los Angeles, CA. 90091-0936