If any employee believes that the above procedure has not resolved his or her situation, that employee may contact the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) at (916) 445-9918 to determine the location of the branch of the DFEH that is nearest to the employee to file a claim within one year of the date that the harassment occurred. The DFEH serves as a neutral fact-finder and will attempt to assist the parties to voluntarily resolve their dispute. In the event that the DFEH is unable to obtain voluntary resolution and finds that harassment has occurred, the Fair Employment and Housing Commission (FEHC) may hold a hearing and award reinstatement, backpay, and monetary damages.
No action will be taken against any employee in any manner for opposing harassment or for filing a complaint with, or otherwise participating in an investigation, proceeding or hearing conducted by the DFEH or the FEHC with respect to harassment.
In order to prevent disruptions in the operation of the company, and in order to protect employees from harassment and interference with their work, the following rules regarding solicitation and distribution of literature on company property must be observed.
Employees: During working time, no employee shall solicit, or distribute literature to another employee for any purpose. “Working Time” refers to that portion of the working day in which the employee is supposed to be performing actual job duties; it does not include such times as lunchtime, break time, or time before or after a shift.
Thus, no employee who is on “working time” shall solicit or distribute literature to another employee. No employee who is on “non-working time” shall solicit or distribute literature to an employee who is on “working time”.
No employee shall distribute literature to another employee for any purpose in working areas of the company.
No employee shall solicit, or distribute literature to any visitors at any time for any purpose.
Persons who are not employed by the company shall not distribute
literature or solicit employees or visitors at any time for any purpose on company
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