Rumors are always destructive to all concerned—they benefit no one. For information about the company or about things that are being done that you think will affect your job, ask your supervisor or <_____________>. Please feel free to do this—don’t depend on rumors; get the facts.
You are expected to discourage the practice of starting or spreading rumors and to refrain from being a party to such actions.
Work being performed for our customers is their property and may be confidential. The removal of any samples of work in process, finished goods, spoiled sheets, or any other materials or supplies from the premises may place the company in an embarrassing position with the customer, and may possibly lead to the loss of the customer’s business and/or legal complications.
The company may provide and make available to you certain information regarding our business, including without limitation:
various sales and marketing information;
actual and potential customer and lead names, addresses, telephone numbers, and specific characteristics;
mailing labels;
sales report forms;
pending projects or proposals;
methods of production (including quality control and packaging);
business plans and projections, including new product, facility or expansion plans;