The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires all individuals pass a verification procedure, including the completion of an “Employment Verification Form”, before they are permitted to work. This verification procedure requires that all new employees provide satisfactory evidence of identity and legal authority to work in the United States that comply with the requirements of the Immigration law.
If an employee has provided right to work documentation that has an expiration date, updated documentation must be given to the Company before this expiration date.
All employees are required to leave the company property at the end of their regular working hours. You are not permitted to return to the company until the start of the next workday without permission of management or unless your supervisor calls you back for extra work or asks you to work overtime.
Employees are required to avoid any conflict of interest during their employment by the company. Any involvement that conflicts with an employee’s duties or responsibilities or affect the employee’s judgment in making a decision affecting the company will be considered a conflict of interest. This includes any direct or indirect business, management or financial interest or activity, whether or not for compensation, in any business or entity that is a competitor, customer, supplier, or vendor of the company.
Employees may engage in or have outside business or personal interests or activities that do not constitute a conflict of interest with their employment by the company. The company requires that these activities or interests do no adversely affect an employee’s capacity to perform his or her functions or result in conflicting loyalties.
Off Duty Conduct – While the company does not seek to interfere with your off duty conduct, certain types of off duty conduct may interfere with the company’s legitimate business interests.
Employees are expected to conduct their personal affairs in a manner that does not adversely affect the company’s integrity, reputation or credibility. Off duty conduct that adversely affects the company’s legitimate business interests or an employee’
s ability to perform his
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