6. Verbal sexual advances or propositions;
7. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual's
body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations;
8. Physical conduct, including touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements.
Examples of sexual harassment include (a) an employee being fired or denied a job or an employment benefit because the employee refused to grant sexual favors or because he or she complained about the harassment; (b) an employee reasonably quitting his or her job to escape harassment; or (c) an employee being exposed to a hostile work environment.
The Company will take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from occurring and will take immediate and appropriate action when the Company knows that unlawful harassment has occurred.
If you have been harassed by a co-worker, supervisor, agent, vendor or customer, or if you believe that another employee has been harassed, you have a duty to promptly report the facts of the incident or incidents, and names of the individuals involved, to (Option: Human Resources.) (Option:______________________or _____________________.)
The matter will be immediately and thoroughly investigated, and confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. After reviewing the evidence, a determination will be made concerning whether reasonable grounds exist to believe that harassment has occurred. It is the obligation of all employees to cooperate fully in the investigation process. The Company considers any harassing conduct to be a major offense which can result in disciplinary action for the offender, up to and including discharge.
The Company will take action to deter any future harassment. In addition, disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who attempts to discourage or prevent another employee from bringing harassment to the attention of management. The persons involved will be advised of the determination if appropriate.
The Company wants to assure all of its employees that measures will be undertaken to protect those who complain about harassment from any further acts of harassment, coercion or intimidation, and from retaliation due to their reporting an incident or
participating in an investigation or proceeding concerning the alleged harassment.
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