



Sample Sentences

1. The underwriter has calculated the risk.

2. We talked about it with our underwriter,and we would like to get a policy for total loss only


caution money/earnest money/cash deposit

Sample Sentences

1. Members of the association must deposit caution money before being allowed to use the

association’s facilities.

2. Earnest money is money given to the seller as a first payment by the buyer to show that he

agrees to the contract of sale and intends to honor it.

shelf life/pull date

Sample Sentences

1. The product has a shelf life of one week under normal temperature.

2. The pull date of these packets of milk is end of this month.

3. The quality of this product is promised to be guaranteed for a year.

report forms

Sample Sentences

1. Report forms are required to be submitted monthly.

2. Although the final report forms are generated automatically, manual check is still needed.

declare sth at customs

Sample Sentences

1. Have you got anything to declare?

2. Customs declaration for imports and exports is a necessity in a country’s control of its foreign



Sample Sentences

1. We are enclosing our Quotation No.3571 for your consideration,and hope to receive your

trial order in the near future.

2. The rates quoted above are net,and the delivery of goods will be made at your office as

desired at our expense.


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