2. I want to find out what John Q Public thinks of our new product.
staple/large amount dozen doggy bag guarantee discount
Sample Sentences
1. The store discounted all clothing for the sale.
2. We give a 20%discount for cash payment.
tie-in sale
Tie-in sale is a very important way of selling overstocks.
pp/per procurationem
Sample Sentences
1. The contract was signed pp J.John and Sons Ltd.
2. The letter was signed J.John and Sons Ltd.,pp.
act as a purchasing agent / buy on one’s behalf man of business
Sample Sentences
1. He appointed his solicitor man of business.
2. As for compensation,please contact my man of business.
annual leave back order
Sample Sentences
1. The company has more than 1000 back orders for the new model.
2. These back orders are rush work,so extra work is needed.
credit note
Sample Sentences
1. A credit note is a monetary instrument issued by a seller that allows a buyer to purchase an
item or service from that seller on a future date.
2. We can’t give you your money back, but we can issue you a credit note.