


bank bill/bank paper strike a bargain

Sample Sentences

1. They have to negotiate about the payment terms before concluding a transaction.

2. We struck a bargain with the buyer by allowing 2%discount on a purchase of not less than

one great gross of individual items

system of basic cost of living allowances for urban residents accept hold the line

Sample Sentences

Businesses are holding the line on hiring and spending plans because of uncertainty about the economy.

export (tax) rebate。

Sample Sentences

1. Export rebates have helped many enterprises survive the financial crisis.

2. Tourist may have a tax rebate up to 20%of the invoice value of the commodities.

bargain price

1. These computers and other household appliances will be sold at bargain prices.

2. These substandard items can be sold only at reduced prices.

items for disposal original goods

Sample Sentences

1. Land and water are original goods.

2. What the developing countries export to developed countries are mostly original goods.

nest egg

Sample Sentences

1. I am trying to build a nest egg so that I can buy a house some day.

2. For millions of Americans,retirement planning is all about accumulating a “nest egg" of

savings and investments to generate enough income to pay for a comfortable standard of living after they stop working.

pyramid selling

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