


1. The company had great difficulty keeping its head above water during the economic crisis.

2. We are in the black. We should be able to keep our head above water from now on.

dirty bill of lading

Sample Sentences

1. Dirty B/L is one into which the ship-owners have put a clause stating that the conditions of

the goods or packing when received were unsatisfactory.

2. Foul B/L is B/L with adverse remarks by the carrier that the goods received for shipping

look wet,damaged,or otherwise in doubtful condition,etc.

force majeure

Sample Sentences

1. Force Majeure:The Sellers shall not be held responsible, if they,owing to Force Majeure

cause or causes, fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in the Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However,in such cases, the Sellers shall inform the Buyers immediately by cable and, if it is requested by the Buyers,shall also deliver to the Buyers by registered post,a certificate attesting the existence of such a cause or causes.

2. The insurance policy covers your house against all types of damage,excluding those caused

by acts of God.

Comparisons are odious

Sample Sentences

It’s often said in the business world that comparisons are odious.

Bretton Woods system deep pocket

Sample Sentences

By bringing a partner with deep pockets,the company was in a position to offer more attractive deal that could be completed by year-end.

make sb redundant

Sample Sentences

1. Our branch is badly overstaffed. We have now decided to make eight clerks redundant.

2. Owing to bad business,over 500 workers of the company come under the axe.

lottery ticket carry out management painstaking

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