


off-season bottom out

Sample Sentences

Owing to the Financial Crisis of the USA,the fall of the price for stocks has not bottomed out.

arrival notice mature

Sample Sentences

1. They say by the time our cheques mature they will have devalued due to inflation.

2. The bill of exchange matures on 31st of May.

down-market cheap money

Sample Sentences

You can borrow cheap money from overseas. A Swiss company claims to offer large foreign currency loans at rates of interest much cheaper than the going rate in Australia.

base price

Sample Sentences

Order forms are available at the ASB office,and the newly designed jackets have a base price of $120.

land bank

Sample Sentences

Land banking is the practice of purchasing land with the intent to hold on to it until such a time as it is highly profitable to sell it on to others for substantially more than was initially paid.

black economy tertiary industry

Sample Sentences

1. The government is counting on the service sector to create tens of thousands of jobs this year.

2. Tourism has developed into a kind of the tertiary industry.


Sample Sentences

Promoting the development of electronic commerce is one of the key factors in the effort to make the European Union the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.

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