Sample Sentences
1. It is a sellers’ market now and many commodities are in short supply,so prices are high.
2. Now supply of many products exceeds demand on the Chinese market,so they have to be
sold in foreign country.
shopping bag/carrier bag
Sample Sentences
1. Now,shopping bags made of cloth are becoming more and more popular.
2. Since the Act began to be implemented to limit the use of plastic bags in China,shopping
bags are no longer free of charge at the supermarkets and shops.
joint-stock company/public limited company hire and fire key industry test the waters
Sample Sentences
We need to test the waters and find out what the public want.
Customer Care Is Our Top Priority
Sample Sentences
One of our important concepts for business and service is that customer care is our top priority.
odd government merchant/government commerce go window-shopping clean L/C VIP card economies of scale
Sample Sentences
1. Companies that sell world-wide have benefited from economies of scale.
2. Economies of scale may be utilized by any size firm expanding its scale of operation.
bridging loan/bridge loan