


high-end product

Sample Sentences

A survey noted a trend of moderate price drops in major consumer goods,including electrical appliances and auto-mobiles,saying this would push consumers to look for higher-end products.

flagship big-ticket items advanced technology/cutting-edge technology

Sample Sentences

These advanced technologies have a big profitability potential.

dear money

1. Many small firms are feeling the impact of dear money and are being forced out of business.

2. In the money market,the money is just dear money when interest rates are high and loans

from banks are difficult to obtain.

big bucks self-employed entrepreneur meet halfway

Sample Sentences

1. We wish you to reconsider your price and give a new bid,so that there can be a possibility for

us to meet halfway.

2. How about meeting each other halfway with the price gap?

industrial injury salary man industrial action workaholic metric ton fair trading

Sample Sentences

1. The company is committed to a policy of fair trading.

2. Dumping has violated the criterion for fair trading of WTO.

public-interest advertisement/public-service ad supply falls short of demand

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