第34卷第11期资源科学 Sharing the Carbon Emission Reduction Responsibility across
Chinese Provinces:A Zero Sum Gains DEA Model
(College of Management &Economics ,Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072,China )
Abstract:In order to achieve carbon emission reduction targets in China ,a scheme of sharing carbon emission reduction responsibility between Chinese provinces is needed.According to the ‘common but differentiated ’rule ,the distribution of carbon emission reduction responsibility is analyzed economically as a common cost sharing problem and relates to fairness and efficiency.Here ,we paid close attention on the efficiency of distribution.Data envelopment analysis (DEA )models have been widely used to estimate the performance of similar DMUs .Moreover ,some alternative models have been proposed in the presence of undesirable outputs such as carbon emissions ,the increase of which implies a reduction in performance.But these models are not suitable for the reallocation of carbon emissions because the total sum is constant.It has been proposed that the zero sum gains (ZSG )DEA model is a good choice to solve this sum-constant reallocation problem ,and here we applied the ZSG-DEA model to sharing the carbon emission reduction responsibility between provinces.Carbon emission was modeled as the input and population ,energy consumption and GDP were considered outputs.In order to contrast with the ZSG-DEA model ,BCC ef ficiency scores of 30Chinese provinces were computed.The results showed that only nine provinces could reach the DEA BCC frontier ,and 13provinces ’efficiency scores were lower than 0.8.It is necessary to reallocate the carbon emission quotas of provinces so as to make all DMUs efficient.The ZSG-DEA sharing model of carbon emission reduction responsibility has been established ,and the responsibilities of 30Chinese provinces were redistributed in the light of objectives for China in 2015.After twice iterative computations ,the adjusted carbon emission quotas of 30Chinese provinces ,which reached the uniform DEA BCC frontier ,were obtained.After reallocation ,all provinces were 100%ef ficient ,but not all of them were Pareto efficient ,since the slack values of these provinces were not zero.Our reallocation plan is far from the ultimate one ,since it was only based on efficiency analysis ,and has not taken fairness into account.According to these results ,some western provinces such as Ningxia and Gansu have to reduce large amounts of carbon emissions that not only exceed their ability but are also unfair.
Key words:Carbon emissions;Common cost sharing;Fairness;Efficiency;Zero sum gains (ZSG )DEA model
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