模仿短文描述自己上个周末所作的事。掌握is的过去式was。 三、课前准备:
学生在Let’s read部分所用的表格:Wu Yifan’s Weekend Story time部分所需教学挂图。 本课时所需录音和课件。 四、教学过程:
1、Warm up ( 热身)
活动一:玩一玩 Let’s play 教学参考时间:6分钟
学生5或6人一组,S1询问:What did you do last weekend? S2回答:I cleaned my room.
S3: I cleaned my room and played football. 以此类推。 比一比哪个小组说的熟练。
活动二:说一说 Talk together 教学参考时间:2分钟
教师询问:What did I do yesterday? Can you guess?
学生猜测 You watched TV. 教师追问:When did I watch TV? 学生猜测:In the evening. 教师板书时间:
教师拿出一个孩子昨天的安排表,请大家猜猜。并在黑板上完成表格。 小组游戏(问事情,追问时间)。
教师问孩子:What day is it today? Today is Monday. What day was it yesterday? It was Sunday.
教师根据自己昨天的安排描述:Yesterday I was very busy. I visited my grandmother Saturday morning. It was her birthday. In he evening, we watched TV together. Sunday morning I washed clothes with my mother. In the afternoon I played badminton with my parents.在描述过程中,强调was的用法。 2、Presentation (新课呈现) 活动三:读一读Let’s read 教学参考时间:8分钟
教师播放Let’s read部分录音,孩子听录音,教师:Can you ask some questions about this passage?
What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning? What did he do Saturday evening? What did he do Sunday morning? What did he do Sunday afternoon? 孩子独立阅读短文,完成表格 Wu Yifan’s Weekend
Saturday morning --------- Saturday evening --------- Sunday morning --------- Sunday afternoon --------- 小组根据表格和问题进行问答交流。
孩子独立完成句子,投影显示正确答案。 小组订正。
活动四:说一说 Let’s talk 教学参考时间:5分钟
孩子根据Let’s read 部分Wu Yifan’s Weekend表格,复述一下Wu Yifan的周末活动。 孩子在小组里说一说,注意was的用法。 请几个孩子展示。
3、Let’s play ( 趣味操练 ) 活动五:卡片游戏 Cards game 教学参考时间:5分钟