




四会单词和短语:have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache; 句型:“What’s the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.” 二、教学难点:

四会单词和短语的正确拼写;单词throat的发音。 三、课前准备: 资源中心的课件。

Let’s start部分的挂图。 A Let’s learn部分的录音。 四会单词和短语的卡片。 四、教学过程: Warm up (热身)

活动一 Let’s sing 教学参考时间:2分钟

教师播放四年级上册第六单元的歌曲《My Father Is a Doctor》,师生齐唱,然后分组唱,比比看哪组唱得好。

口语练习:T: Are you a doctor? S: No. I’m a student.

T: What does your father/mother do? S: He/She is a .

(如果有学生回答He/She is a doctor. 教师可以接着说:If you feel sick, you must go to see the doctor. “feel”一词要加重语气,并适当给予动作提示。) 活动二 Say quickly 教学参考时间:3分钟

教师说出一些情况,学生快速接出相应短语或单词。 T: When I’m hungry, I can eat ?(用疑问句口吻) S: A burger/ Some noodles / Some chicken . T: If I’m thirsty, I can drink ? S: Water / Juice/ Coke .

T: If I feel hot, I can take off my ? S: Jacket/ Coat .

T: When we feel cold, we can put on our ? S: Coat/Jacket/ Boots .

T: If you feel sick, you must go to see the doctor. 请学生模仿说一些情况,其余学生快速反应。 Presentation (新课呈现) 活动三 Feeling in the trip 教学参考时间:5-7分钟

教师出示Let’s start部分的插图,指图介绍:

T: Look, they are in the desert. The trip is very hard. Are they happy? S: No, they aren’t.

T: What’s the matter with them? The robot is tired. The straw man has a headache. (用适当的体态语言引导学生理解headache的意思。)

教师出示单词卡片带读,学生模仿headache的发音,朗读短语:have a headache。 教师继续指图:Has the dog a headache? 学生答:No. 教师继续说:I think he has a sore throat. 出示卡片:have a sore throat,学生朗读,用体态或表情启发学生理解该短语的意思。 教师指着小猴子:Look, is the monkey well? Oh, he can’t walk. His leg hurts. 教师故意将胳膊或手碰在周围的某个地方,做出很痛的表情:Oh, my arm/hand hurts. 出示单词卡片:hurt,学生模仿发音并说出意思。

指着小兔子:Look at the rabbit, why is she crying? Her hand is on her face. Maybe she has a toothache. When I have a toothache, I always put my hand on my face. (用表情引导学生理解toothache的意思。)出示卡片:have a toothache,学生模仿发音并理解意思。 教师将以上四个单词和短语卡片分别发给四名学生,请他们分别贴到插图相应动物的下面并分别叙述画面:The straw man has a headache. The dog has a sore throat. The monkey’s leg hurts. The rabbit has a toothache. 活动四 Look and learn 教学参考时间:5-8分钟

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