be for these children who, most of them, having lost both of their parents, having no roof over
their head, no food to eat, how horrifying and frightening it must be for them!
M: You know, I wonder how this revelation came to you, you know, this is going to be a thing, for W: I think having children and having a family force you to think about people besides yourself, I
mean you don’t really have a choice, I think I just got to a point in my life. I thought I have so
much, and it’s a great tragedy if I don’t use what I have to make the world a better place. I know
that sounds silly, or cheesy, or like a cliché, whatever... but it’s the truth. If I was challenging
people to open up their minds and their hearts, then I had to be willing to stand at the front of
the line. And... and I appreciate and understand how people could be cynical, that’s fine, I
accept that.
M: Why do you appreciate that people can be cynical? M: Or maybe they might be suspicious because they might think, well, you know, Madonna
changes all the time. Is this simply another fad, a trend, or just a new; is this something that is
really core to Madonna.
W: My re-inventions are part of my evolution and my growth as a person. They’re aspects of it that
are full of lesson. They are aspects of it that are real. I don’t see how anybody who really
understands how complicated it is to adopt a child could say that someone toasts to do that as a
fad. It’s just too difficult... it’s too traumatic.
M: It’s been hard then to adopt David.
W: We have not even been granted the full adoption. It’s supposed to be happening in the next
month. So for the last 18 months I have been a foster parent. have to put up with it and endure it and you know, I have been fingerprinted about 20 times, and to do this. I am not alone and, but you know, I’d do it again.
M: You would?
W: Yeah.
M: Why?
W: Because David is amazing, because he’s brought so much joy to our lives and more than about
him. And so, it was worthy. I think most people will suffer for the things they love.
M: And now at this point in your life, it seems you’re opening, to some part of you, it’s softening,
something that is looking for wisdom, usefulness.
W: Well, thank God.
M: Em... what do you mean by that?
W: Well, thank God I am searching for wisdom and usefulness. Em, one hopes that one gets to that
point in their lives sooner or later.
M: Do you wish that you could just be anonymous?
W: No, no...