

mostly Muslim country and most of the people there, therefore consider pigs unclean. The number of confirmed cases in the U.S. has jumped, but officials say, that’s from catching up on a backlog of lab tests, the count now stands at 226, with confirmed cases in 30 states.


A coup attempt appears to be under way in Niger. Soldiers have forced their way into the presidential palace and taken the head of state Mamadou Tandja to a military barracks.

Latest information says President Tandja has now been separated from his ministers and taken left at least 3 people dead and 10 injured. Exactly which part of the military carried out the operation remains unclear. Niger has been rocked by months of political crisis after the president changed the constitution to remain in power.

Test 4听力原文


How to Be a Good Conversationalist

Good morning, everyone! Today we’ll continue our discussion on communication skills. More specifically, in today’s lecture, we are going to explore how to be a good conversationalist.

conversationalists talk to you, they make you feel like you’re the only person in the room.

Becoming a good conversationalist requires knowing three things: first, how to start a conversation; second, how to keep it going; and third, how to end it.

Starting a conversation usually means coming up with an opening line or ice-breaker. The best kind of ice-breakers is one that’s positive. The last thing people want to hear from a stranger is how noisy the party is, how awful the food is, or how ugly the people are dressed.

A compliment is always a good ice-breaker and will usually be appreciated. know what’s going on in the world. The fact is, any opening line will do, as long as it’s not negative, and as long as it’s not too outdated. The best way to entice a person to have a conversation with you Once you’ve got a conversation going, the best way to keep it going is by asking the other person questions that don’t require just a yes or no answer or questions which show genuine interest on your part. For example, if someone says, “I’m from Miami!”, you may respond with, “Oh, I’ve been to Miami!” and continue with, “How long have you lived there?” Then, “I was born there, and I’ve lived there all my life.” You might say, “Is your family from Miami as well?”


