

ads instead. That’s how things work. This city just isn’t big enough for three local newspapers

and you know it. People only get them to see what’s on in town and to see who’s died.

M: That’s so morbid!

W: It’s true. People use the TV or the Internet for everything else. It’s not like it used to be 10 years


M: The Times was the cheapest of them all too. You can bet all the prices are going to go up.

W: Hmm, you could be right. honest. If I do get one, I find myself reading no more than a few pages anyway.

M: Well, if The Times really does close down, that’s my newspaper buying days finished. I think, in

ten years’ time, nobody in this city will even buy a local paper. It’s a shame really, don’t you


W: My dad told me when he was a kid, there used to be 5 local newspapers in the city and two

others serving only this corner of the state. But you know how it is, companies merge, everyone

is looking for savings, efficiency and so on. Now we’ll only have two. It’s survival of the fittest.



The United States and the United Nations are urging Israel and Palestinians to resume peace talks after a day of unrest in Jerusalem. The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington wanted to insure both sides were fully committed to peace efforts. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned as illegal recent Israeli plans to build new settlements in East Jerusalem.

Ban Ki-moon urged restraint in Jerusalem, reminding Israelis and Palestinians of the final statues of the city were supposed to be decided in negotiations. He repeated condemnation of Israeli plans to build 1,600 new homes for Jewish settlers in the occupied eastern part of the city, stating again that such settlements are illegal under international law. On Friday, the Secretary General is set to attend a ministerial meeting of the quartet which groups the UN, the European Union, Russia and America. He said members will discuss additional measures to trying rescue tentative steps to resume Israeli-Palestinian peace talks although he didn’t say what they were.


The Australian parliament has rejected government plans to introduce ambitious carbon trading scheme to tackle global warming. If the government is defeated again, it could trigger a general election.

The emissions trading scheme was a centerpiece of the Rudd government environmental government does not control the upper house of the Australian parliament, the Senate. And the measure has been defeated by 42 votes to 30. Outside the ruling Labor Party, this was a friendless


