


W: Hello, Franklin!

M: Hello, Mary! How nice to see you again! How have you been these days?

W: Pretty busy, you know I am hunting for a job recently.

M: Well, how is it going?

W: You know I’ve been thinking about applying for a job in other states. Well, I’ve got the details

about different jobs and I’d like your opinion about which would be the best one to go for.

M: Where are the jobs?

W: One is in Los Angeles, one is in Detroit and the other one is in Atlanta City.

M: Los Angeles is supposed to be a very nice place. Los Angeles area offers many attractive

visiting places, like mountains and beaches. And there are ski resorts near the city! It is

considered to be one of the best tourist destination in the country.

W: Yes it is, and the company is also located in a beautiful part.

M: That would be great for the health. You know, I’d love to be able to go skiing at weekends!

W: But, one problem with Los Angeles is that it’s growing very fast. average, with housing costs tending to be among the most expensive in the nation. In the city of

Los Angeles, the median cost for apartment rentals is $735 per month.

M: How does the salary of the job in Los Angeles compare with other jobs? M: too, so it would be easy to come back for

weekends and holidays.

W: That’s right, and the regular transportation service would save quite a bit on fares.

M: And what about accommodation?

W: Well, actually, apartments are much cheaper to rent in Los Angeles, Detroit and Atlanta City

than they are here in New York City, so we’d be able to afford to live in a nice, spacious

apartment, I’d think.

M: Mmm, that would be terrific! And do you know what the cultural facilities are like in these


W: In fact, they’re quite good in all three. But, of course, Los Angeles has an international

reputation as a cultural center. It has a surprising number of art museums and galleries and

know, I am so crazy about movies, and Hollywood is just there, maybe I could come across

some super Hollywood stars in the street and get a signature.

M: Well, that sounds fascinating. And another thing we’ll have to consider, of course, are the

educational possibilities. How long would you want to go for?

W: I hope it would be a maximum of five years and working across states will be good for my


