

not repeat the details of critical thinking and analysis found in published sources; it uses the results as fact and refers the reader to the source for further details. Each sentence in a dissertation must be complete and correct in a grammatical sense. Moreover, a dissertation must satisfy the strict rules of formal grammar. For example, no undefined technical jargon, no hidden jokes, and no slang, even when such terms or phrases are in common use in the spoken language. Indeed, the writing in a dissertation must be clear. Shades of meaning matter; the terminology and prose must make fine distinctions. The words must convey exactly the meaning intended, nothing more and nothing less. Each statement in a dissertation must be correct and defensible in a logical and scientific sense. Furthermore, the discussions in a dissertation must satisfy the strictest rules of logic applied to mathematics and science.

Writing a dissertation requires a student to think deeply, to organize technical discussion, to muster arguments that will convince other scientists, and to follow rules for rigorous, formal presentation of the arguments and discussion.

When writing a dissertation, we should also be clear about definitions and terminology. or by a precise, unambiguous definition that appears before the term is used for a new term or a standard term used in an unusual way. And each term should be used in one and only one way throughout the dissertation. The easiest way to avoid a long series of definitions is to include a statement. Then, only define exceptions. The introductory chapter can give the intuition of terms provided they are defined more precisely later.

Last but not least important is language points. There is a principle we should remember, i.e. For example, say “the operating system starts the device” instead of “the device is started by the to the disk and then uses the frame” instead of “The system will use the frame after it wrote the page to disk”. Moreover, you should define negation early. For instance, say “no data block waits on the output queue” instead of “a data block awaiting output is not on the queue.” At last, you should be careful that the subject of each sentence really does what the verb says it does. All computer scientists should know the rules of logic. Unfortunately the rules are more difficult to follow when the language of discourse is English instead of mathematical symbols. When written using mathematical symbols, the differences are obvious because “for all” and “there exists” are reversed.

ever learned to write by reading essays like this. Instead, you need to practice and practice. This is the secret to writing a good dissertation.

To conclude, we have discussed some necessary preparations before writing a dissertation. What follows are some guiding principles, including some general ideas of a dissertation and how to reach a good writing. Finally, I provide you with a key to successful writing, i.e. practice. After


