


main rebel group has so far refused talks with the government. James Copnall reports from Khartoum.

talks. The Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir said the death sentence against the JAM fighters convicted of attacking Omdurman had been quashed, and 30% of them had been released as a goodwill measure. His act details of the agreement are not yet clear, but the fact has just been signed is a significant step forward in the peace process in Darfur.

Test 6 听力原文


How to Write a Term Paper

Good morning, everyone! Today I’d like to continue our series of talks about study skills in university. This morning I’m going to talk about how to write a term paper.

To start with, what is a term paper? A term paper is primarily a record of intelligent reading in several sources on a particular subject. Yet it is more than the sum of your sources and a collection of different pieces of information about a topic. A term paper analyzes a perspective or argues a Sooner or later a term paper happens to all of you. Some teacher or professor gives an assignment that can either make or break one’s college career. Hours of endless research seem to loom ahead. Facts that may or may not go together are a jumble within one’s psyche. Few will excel at the task with little or no effort while most others will flounder around and either pass or fail the project. Others may wait until the night before it is due and compose it in a rush on the word processor. Like it or not, term papers are a part of higher education. They don’t have to be dreaded, however. With just a little planning and foresight, the term paper can be not only an exciting way to learn more about a specific topic but also lead to great grades.

Suppose you are required to write about a broad topic such as “The History of the Civil War”. Surely a million facts are out there and it should be easy to research a lot of those, but when it comes time to write the actual paper, it will be hard to narrow down the information and make any cohesive sense from it. It would be better to focus in, say, on one particular battle of the Civil War, a particular general, or perhaps a specific aspect of everyday life in the 1860’s on a Southern Plantation. By focusing the topic early on,


