

University of Florida in Gainesville.

M: Yeah! Again, I mean, a school that has wonderful school spirit, and so many students are gonna

get excited, not only about academics and the experience they’re gonna have there, but the

athletic experience overall at school. So University of Florida is certainly No. 1 on the list.

W: Can’t let you go without talking about the category best party school.

M: Yes. Certainly.

W: And topping that list, I’m sure the focus is at University of Wisconsin in Madison. Probably take

a little issue with it, but.., they ranked the highest. And of course, Ohio University mats on the


M: Yes. Mats on the mountain.

W: You surely talked it about right.

M: That’s right. And again we went directly onto students; we asked them about alcohol use on

campus, hours of studies spent outside the classroom and popularity for tourism and on, that’s

how we came up with that party school list this year.

W: All right. Robert Franek, always great with the Princeton Review, good to see you.

M: Good to see you.

W: So good to see you again. Thank you so much.



The American Secretary of States Hillary Clinton is in Moscow to try to persuade Russia to support American policy on Iran. As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Russia has the power to veto resolutions. And Moscow has always said it does not believe sanctions are an effective way of promoting change. Clinton is in Russia, including the plan for Moscow and Washington to sign a new treaty in early December for a further cut in their large arsenals of nuclear weapons.


Mexico says it’s winning the war against the H1N1 virus. President Phillipe Calderon says, aggressive government action helped get a grip on the outbreak. Hundreds of patients showing symptoms are being treated in isolation units, but the health minister says the number of new cases is declining, so the shut down of Mexico City may ease soon. Businesses there have lost $100 million a day by some estimates. Officials may also reopen schools across the country, but the government says it’s going to be cautious. That’s lead to clashes between police and pig farmers. Farmers in Cairo battled Government forces with stones and bottles. There were several injuries and more than a dozen arrests. Egypt is a


