answer choice might solve the error, you should leave the question blank and move on to another question you can answer confidently and quickly. Every minute counts. Don’t beat yourself up over an extra tough question. Use eitherof the strategies described in step 7 and move on pronto.
Common Grammar Errors
Just like Identifying Sentence Errors questions, Improving Sentences questionscover the same grammar over and over. In fact, there are five recurring errorson Improving Sentences questions. We call them the Big Five.
The Big Five
Passive voice
Run-on sentences
Misplaced modifiers
We cover all of the Big Five below in more detail. Learn to spot all five and you’llbe well on your way to beating Identifying Sentence Errors with ease.
1. Passive Voice
In sentences that use the active voice, the subject does the action. For
example, in the sentence My dog ate a bunch of grass, you immediately know who ate a bunch of grass: the dog. The passive voice, in contrast, identifies theperformer of the action late, or even never. For example, the sentence A bunchof grass was eaten leaves the reader unsure of who or what did the eating. Writers tend to avoid using the passive voice because it creates weak, wordy sentences.
So, how do you know if you are dealing with a case of “the passives”? Usually,you’ll spot these words: is, was, were, are (or any other version of the verb tobe) and the word by. If you see these words, ask yourself, What’s the action andwho’s doing it? If the person (or entity) committing the action appears only at