The phrase eating six cheeseburgers describes what Jane is doing, so Jane’s name should come right after the phrase.
Another way to correct the sentence:
Nausea overwhelmed Jane after she ate six cheeseburgers.
Now take a look at this sample question:
(A) Having a bargain price, Marcel snatched up the designer jeans.
(B) Marcel who has a bargain price, snatched up the designer jeans.
(C) The jeans’ bargain price led to Marcel’s snatching them up.
(D) Due to their bargain price, Marcel snatched up the designer jeans.
(E) Based on their bargain price, the jeans were snatched up right away
by Marcel.
The misplaced modifier in this sentence confuses the meaning of sentence. As itis, it sounds like Marcel has a bargain price, but he certainly isn’t for sale. Thatmeans you can cut A right away, since it just preserves the underlined portionof the sentence. Cut B since it also identifies Marcel as the object with the bargain price. C uses the possessive awkwardly and uses them incorrectly to refer to the bargain price. E looks better, but the phrase the jeans were
snatched up uses the passive voice.
D is the correct answer. In D, the phrase bargain price modifies designer jeansrather than Marcel. The correct answer solves another problem with the originalsentence, which is the phrase having a bargain price.Having does not clearly express the relationship between the jeans and Marcel’s purchase. In the correct answer, the phrase due to suggests that Marcel bought the designer jeans because they had a bargain price.
4. Parallelism
We covered parallelism in the Identifying Sentence Errors chapter, but we giveit another brief review, since it’s also likely to show up in Improving Sentences