conjunction words like and keep the sentence flowing in the same direction. Forexample, “After school I will practice piano and eat a snack.”
Here’s a chart to help you learn the most important contrast and non contrast conjunction words. Noncontrast Conjunctions Contrast Conjunctions and but because though
since although so while thus rather therefore instead
unless despite however nevertheless notwithstanding
Subordination problems happen when there are two subordinate clauses and nomain clause. You don’t need to know what that jargon means. Instead, you justneed to know subordination problems tend to occur when sentences contain more than one of the conjunction words listed above. If you see one clause thatstarts with although, because, if, since, or so that, and then another clause thatstarts with one of these words, you’ll hear the subordination problem loud andclear:
(A) so that he called her every day for the next week
(B) although he called her every day for the next week
(C) because he called her every day for the next week
(D) he called her every day for the next week
(E) and he called her every day for the next week