


Improving Sentences questions test you on conjunctions by including sentencesin which the conjunction makes the sentence illogical or clunky.

store clerk.

(A) and it depicts

(B) being the depiction of

(C) it depicts

(D) that depicts

(E) and depicting in it

The right answer is D. In this sentence, the conjunction that expresses the function of the novel more smoothly than the clunky phrase and it does.

2. Fragments

Fragments are almost the opposite of run-on sentences. Run-on sentences have clauses squashed together and joined incorrectly. Fragments have no independent clause and therefore are incomplete sentences.

(A) The hunchback vice principal growling

(B) The hunchback vice principal having growled

(C) Growling, the hunchback vice principal

(D) It is the hunchback vice-principal

(E) The hunchback vice principal growls

In this sentence, the clause lacks a proper verb for the subject (the hunchbackvice principal). The sentence would be complete if it read, The hunchback viceprincipal growling at terrified students was notorious for his brutal tactics. Notice though that the answer choices don’t fix the fragment that way. Instead,the correct answer, E, takes away the problem of expectation altogether. Whenyou read The hunchback vice principal growls at terrified students, you don’t expect the sentence to continue. He growls and that’s the end of the story.

3. Coordination and Subordination

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