


Bad coordination happens in gym class when you trip over your own feet or crash into someone else on the field. Bad coordination in a sentence happens when two clauses are joined together with a word that makes their relationshipconfusing.

(A) but he designed the logos himself

(B) however, he designed the logos himself

(C) and he designed the logos himself

(D) since he designed the logos himself

(E) and yet, he designed the logos himself

The sentences makes it clear that John creates his own T-shirts. He also designslogos for the T-shirts. So should the word but express the relationship betweenthese two activities? No, because the two activities are closely related. The wordbut would make sense only if the sentence said something like John made T-shirts, but other than that he sat around playing video games all day. The word but suggests a contrast, a change in the direction of the sentence. If youget to the middle of a sentence and it takes an unexpected turn, look for a coordination error.

In this question, you can eliminate B because the word however is also a bad choice when joining these two clauses. It expresses the same kind of

contrasting relationship as does the word but. You can eliminate E for the samereason. Answer D isn’t quite as bad as B and E, but John made T-shirts for theswim team, since he designed the logos himself doesn’t make that much sense.John doesn’t make T-shirts because he designs the logos, he makes T-shirts and designs the logos, which is exactly what C says. Bingo.

We thought it would be helpful to put together a list of conjunctions and split them up based on whether they suggest contrast or no contrast. Contrast conjunction words like but require the meaning of the sentence to change direction. For example, “I would go to school, but I don’t feel well.” Noncontrast




