obscure the meaning of the sentence. (A clause is just a bunch of words with asubject and a predicate). Here’s an example:
The student council attempted to lure people to the dance with free
food, most people attended the field hockey game.
This sentence suggests that despite the student council’s efforts, people didn’tgo to the dance because they went to the field hockey game. You can correct this run-on sentence by adding a word that makes this relationship clear:
Although the student council attempted to lure people to the dance with
free food, most people attended the field hockey game.
Okay, time for a real example:
(A) at the graduation party, they didn’t seem very sympathetic to the
fact that it was our senior year
(B) at the graduation party, seemingly the fact that it was our senior
year did not make them sympathetic
(C) at the graduation party without being sympathetic to the fact that it
was our senior year
(D) at the graduation party they didn’t, despite the fact that it was our
senior year, seem very sympathetic
(E) at the graduation party; they didn’t seem very sympathetic to the
fact that it was our senior year
A classic run-on. The two parts could easily stand alone:
The police reprimanded everyone at the graduation party. They didn’t
seem very sympathetic to the fact that it was our senior year.
Remember, the SAT usually fixes run-ons by exchanging the comma for a semicolon. In this case, E, which uses the semicolon method, is the correct answer.
Notice that you could have corrected the question above by turning the second