enterprise. Drucker point out that MBO can advance the development and the prosperity of the enterprise. The article illustrates it by the example of MBO in certain machine-tool plant. (2)The implement in public administration. Public organ included government have many objectives. These objectives are fairly vague, which lead to worse result of government. Drucker considers that In order to gain better result MBO should be used in the government the same. There are many governmental sector in which MBO have been used in our country. For example, the MBO of governmental sector in HeBei province. This has made a good effect on improving the efficiency of work and the style of government.
A simple comment on Drucker’s theory of management by objective. (1) Traits of Drucker’s theory of management by objective: The management faces the future; the management as a systematic whole; Pay attention to the management of the result; Attach importance to the management of human. (2)Virtues of Drucker’s theory of management by objective: Heighten the level of the management; Gain a clear idea of organic structure; Urge people to undertake the duty of accomplishing the task; Contribute to launching effective control. (3) weaknesses of Drucker’s theory of management by objective: Hard to recognize its basic principle; can’t tell the drafter guide principle; Stress short-time objective too much; other weaknesses.
In a word, Drucker’s theory of management by objective is a kind of more concrete and more painstaking theory of management. It has been widely used in the enterprise and in public administration. Drucker’s theory of management by objective has not only virtues but also weaknesses. We should research it deeply so as to serve the socialist construction modernization in China.