-开始感觉疲劳 began feeling tired
-变成稍一用力即会喘息 became breathless on the least exertion
-发觉开始过度疲劳 noted the onset of excessive fatigue
-晚餐时饮酒差不多一定会引起发作 a supper drink almost invariably provokes an attack
-不能恢复以前的那种活力 fail to regain one's previous vitality and vigor -开始觉得比以前更加容易疲倦 began to fell more easily fatigued
ex1:The disease began (occurred ; started) 3 months ago. It progressed , slowly but steadily until today.
ex2: In the spring of 1958 he first noticed (noted; perceived; recognized) easy fatiguability.
ex1: He became increasingly subject to fits of temper.
ex2: He suddenly developed weakness in the right leg.
Her symptoms of bladder irritability subsided, but recurred in the autumn of 1960. ※病征
-有疼痛和已述的症状 pain plus the symptoms already mentioned
-想把症状和~关连起来 attempt to correlated symptoms with~
-症状自然消退 symptoms spontaneously regressed
-症状消失(并未缓和) symptoms disappeared (did not abate)
-症状忽缓忽急 symptoms waxed and waned from time to time
-不留意症状 give the symptoms no concern
-忽略( 不理) 症状 disregard (dismiss) symptoms
-对症状不甚留意 do not pay much attention to the symptoms
-对孩子们显得不关心、冷淡 one appeared uninterested and uninformed about one's children
-呕吐是~发病的前驱症状 vomiting heralded the onset of one's symptoms
-~的病有伤寒的样子 one's illness assumed the character of typhus
-再发(have a) relapse;recur; recurrence
-疾病无再发征象 no evidence of recurrent disease
-同一症候再发 the return of the same symptoms
ex1: He had (presented; developed; showed; manifested) mild symptoms of diphtheria.
ex2: There have been concurrent heartburn and eructation.
ex1: The carious tooth has persisted for years without clinical symptoms. ex2: He continued remarkably free of symptoms except for aural discharge until Nov. 1961.
He remembered a similar attack a year before in the same season.
-一时性眩晕 transitory attacks of dizziness
-发作不规则 attacks are variable