1384 园 艺 学 报 41卷 续表2
Trait 频率/% Frequency 性状 赋值标准
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12
57.4529.79 0.68 H’ 瓜梗基部膨大 1五角形Pentagonal;
形状Stalk basal 2圆弧状Arc shaped
enlargement shape
53.1931.912.13 0.78 瓜梗横切面形状 1圆形Round;
Stalk transverse 2五棱形Five prismatic;
section shape 3椭圆形Oval
嫩瓜皮色 1白White;5浅黄Light 6.38 4.26 31.91 21.28 19.151.45
Tender gourd skin green;10浅绿Light green;
color 11绿Green;12深绿Dark
green;13墨绿Mossy green
嫩瓜斑纹Tender 2条Strip;3块Massive; 27.6634.0425.53 1.07
gourd speckle 4网Mesh
嫩瓜斑纹色 1浅绿Light green;4橙黄 48.94 19.1517.022.13 1.05
Tender gourd Orange-yellow;5橙Orange;
speckle color 7橙红Orange-red
12.77 6.3868.09 0.70 瓜面特征Gourd 1平滑Flat;3皱缩Shrinking;
skin characters 4瘤突Bulged
棱沟深浅 0无Without;1浅Shallow; 6.38 59.5717.024.26 0.92
Edge and ditch 2中Deeper;3深Deepest
2.13 70.2114.89 0.61 瓜瘤大小 0小Smallest;1较小
Gourd tumor size Smaller;2中Middle
72.3412.772.13 0.58 瓜瘤多少Gourd 1少Less;2中More;
tumor quantity 3多Most
2.13 57.4527.66 0.76 瓜面蜡粉Gourd 0无None;1少Less;
skin wax powders 2中More
近瓜蒂瓜面形状 1凹Concave;2平Flat; 31.9151.064.26 0.84
Shape of skin near 3凸Convex
瓜顶形状Shape of 1 凹Concave;2平Flat; 25.5357.454.26 0.80
the top of gourd 3凸Convex
瓜形 1盘形Disc;2扁圆Oval; 8.5129.7925.534.26 2.13 17.02 1.44
Fruit shape 3近圆Near round;4椭圆
2.13 63.8314.892.13 2.132.13 0.90 皮色 2红Red;3橙红Orange-red;
Skin color 4橙黄Orange-yellow;
green;9墨绿Mossy green
6.38 10.646.38 48.9414.89 1.22 瓜面斑纹 0无None;1点Dot;2条Strip;
Skin speckle 3块Massive;4网Mesh
斑纹色 1浅红Light red;3深红Dark 63.83 2.13 19.15 2.13 0.77
Speckle color red;4浅黄Light yellow;
7浅绿Light green
瓜肉色 1浅黄Light yellow;2黄 31.9144.68 10.64 0.96
Flesh color Yellow;4橙黄 Orang-yellow
横切面形状 1圆形Round;3有均匀的 12.77 68.096.38 0.70
Transverse section 凹陷Uniform hollow;4不
shape 规则形状Irregular
砧用南瓜种质资源数量性状的多样性指数均大于1.00(表3),变化范围为1.14 ~ 1.91,平均值
6.20% ~ 96.04%。其中,种子活力指数的最大值为294.66,最小值为0,即没有发芽,变异系数为
96.04%。单瓜质量、壮苗指数、种子百粒质量的变异系数均大于40%,分别为57.64%、40.29%、 40.27%。在所有性状中,幼苗期(种子萌发到三叶一心时)的多样性指数和变异系数是最小的,分 别为1.14和6.20%。种子活力指数和壮苗指数与南瓜作为砧木的要求比较密切,在47份砧木资源