

(B) The draft in 1827

(C) In 1872 was drafted

(D) Drafted in 1827 (90.5)

D分词短语作状语,表示时间。此结构可扩展为一状语从句;where the constitution of the Cherokee Nation was drafted in 1827 it provided for a chief executive a senate, and a house of representatives.

4. 现在分词表达主动的概念;过去分词表达被动的概念


(1) Tudging to be the best boxer of his time, sugar Ray Robinson lost only 3 out of 137 fights (94.1)

A 此分词短语与其逻辑上的主语sugar Ray Robinson 是被动的关系(Sugar was judged to be ) 故应用过去词Tudped to be.

(2) During the Colonial days, the Iroquois had an agricultural economy basing mainly on corn with supplementary crops of pumpkins ,beans, and tobacco. (92.1)

B通常我们说to be based on ,这个短语表示被动概念(基于,以 为基础),所以应改用过去分词based.

(3) Per capita income is a nation*s entire income dividing by the number of people in the nation. (90.10)

B根据句意及分词dividing后面的介词by,可以推断这个分词短语表达的是被动的概念,因此,应用过去分词divided by.

(4) Clementine Hunter*s primitive paintings have been exhibited at various galleries. Included one at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. D.C. (93.1)

D 分词in cluded与其逻辑的主语paintings并无被动的关系,不应用过去分词,应改为惯用现在分词短语in cluding 名词宾语的结构 并列连词及真题要点解析

有关并列连词的命题在TOEEL考试中占有极重要的地位。并列连接词不仅自身是命题的焦点,它还涉及到一些其它的题型,如平行结构,词类、及一致等TOEEL考试要点。一般说来,有关并列连词的题目并不深涩,因为连接词无论在语意上还是结构功能上都并非孤立使用。而且,细察并列连词的题目,还可寻见其中的命题规律并列连词常考题型及解题要点 1. 并列连词 and but or混淆

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