技术报告-尾矿库设计及评估 (英文)(12)
技术报告-尾矿库设计及评估 (英文)
Design and Evaluation of Tailings Dams
single dam or embankment; or in multiple form, in which case a series of embankments contain the tailings in
connected "stair-step" impoundments.
There are several variations of valley-type impoundments. The Cross-Valley design is frequently used
because it can be applied to almost any topographical depression in either single or multiple form. Laid out
similarly to a conventional water-storage dam, the dam is constructed connecting two valley walls, confining
the tailings in the natural valley topography. This configuration requires the least fill material and
consequently is favored for economic reasons. The impoundment is best located near the head of the drainage
basin to minimize flood inflows. Side hill diversion ditches may be used to reduce normal runon if
topography allows, but large flood runoff may be handled by dam storage capacity, spillways, or separate
water-control dams located upstream of the impoundment. Figure 3 shows single and multiple cross-valley
impoundment configurations.