技术报告-尾矿库设计及评估 (英文)(11)


技术报告-尾矿库设计及评估 (英文)

Design and Evaluation of Tailings Dams

Figure 2. Embankment Types: (a) Upstream, (b) Centerline, (c) Downstream or Water Retention


(Source: Vick 1990)

Finally, the phased nature of raised embankments makes it possible to attempt to address problems that may

arise during the life of a tailings impoundment. For example, at the Rain facility in Nevada, unplanned

seepage under and through the base of the tailings embankment made design changes necessary. The fact

that this was a raised embankment made it possible to attempt engineered solutions to the problem as the dam

was enlarged and raised during later phases of construction, and this could be accomplished without taking

the impoundment out of service and without moving enormous quantities of fill material or impounded


2.2.1Valley Impoundments

Other things being equal, it is economically advantageous to use natural depressions to contain tailings.

Among other advantages are reduced dam size, since the sides of the valley or other depression serve to

contain tailings. In addition, tailings in valleys or other natural depressions present less relief for air

dispersion of tailings material. As a result, valley impoundments (and variations) are the most commonly

used. Valley-type impoundments can be constructed singly, in which the tailings are contained behind a

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