-verbose Verbose messages when compiling C or running svpp +verilog1995ext+<ext> Override extensions for Verilog95 sources -vhcfg_ext <ext> Override extensions for VHDL config files -vhdlext <ext> Add extensions to VHDL sources
-vhdltop <lib.cell:view> Specify the top-level VHDL unit to be bound to : -vic Turn off linking of the VIC libraries
+vlog_ext+<ext> Override extensions for Verilog sources
-vlogext <ext> Add extensions to Verilog sources
-w Disable printing of all warning messages -warnmax <arg> Maximum warnings reported by halsynth
-Wcc,<arg> Pass user specified arguments to the C compiler -Wcxx,<arg> Pass user specified arguments to C++ compiler -Wld,<arg> Pass user specified arguments to C++ linker +work+<library> Library for command line Source
-Wv,<arg> Pass user specified arguments to compiler -y <directory> Specify a library directory to be used
Example commands to invoke ncverilog
ncverilog sio85.v
ncverilog xor.v bot.vhd xor_verify.e
ncverilog -f run.f
ncverilog a.v b.v c.vhd -c
ncverilog -R -input commands.tcl
ncverilog -helpsubject specman