


3.4 Technical properties of LinMot® P System Overview

The linear drives LinMot® P are characterized by the following properties: Connection to commercially available PLC and PC control systems

Position controlled and curve-driven operation

Dynamic properties of the drive adjustable ( vmax, amax)

Extremely high dynamic specification (e.g.: continuous cyclical operation >15 Hz) Compact, connection-ready construction with integrated sensing and bearing Suitable for operation in rough industrial environments

3.5 Application fields of LinMot® P

The linear drives LinMot® P can be used both as stand-alone systems or in connectionwith highly complex machines. The following list of application examples is thereforenot complete and gives only an insight in the variety of the possible applications: Textile machines

Weaving machines, knitting machines, carpet machines, winding machines Packaging machines

Food: pastries, coffee, tee, sweets

Consumer goods: office material, toys

Cosmetics: soap, tubes

Pharmaceutical: tablets, pills

Printing machines

Offset and tampon printing machines

Assembly systems

Winding machines

Handling machines


Laboratory automation

Folding machines

Labeling machines

Newspaper and paper machines

Sorting machinery

Parcel and letter sorting systems, material sorting machines


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