方兴地产 2009 中期报告(13)


方兴地产 2009 中期报告



2. BuSINESS REvIEW (Continued)Hotel operations segment In the first half of 2009, the hotel operations segment of the Group experienced negative impact by the overall market conditions, especially its high-end hotels in Beijing, Shanghai and other first-tier cities. Whereas two high-end luxury hotels of the Group in tourist resort of Sanya, Hainan Province experienced minor impact. In particular, the Ritz-Carlton, Sanya even seized the opportunity emerged in the crisis, and became one of the domestic hotels with best performance in the first half of 2009. The Group is proactively carrying out various protective measures to minimise the impact of changing external market conditions on the Group’s hotel operations segment.Situated in the prime locations of Beijing, Westin Beijing ,

Chaoyang and Wangfujing Grand Hotel were affected by

the dual effect of global financial crisis and the surplus in hotel rooms after the 2008 Olympic Games, and accordingly the average occupancy rates and average room rates fell by different magnitudes. As at 30 June 2009, the average occupancy rate for Westin Beijing, Chaoyang was 42.9% (30 June 2008: not applicable), while that for Wangfujing Grand Hotel was 63.0% (30 June 2008: 70.1%). Westin Beijing, Chaoyang externally strengthened its market segmentation to broaden the market share, while internally launched various sale incentives and tightened cost control. As a result, the hotel gradually expanded its market share and became one of the best performing hotels in that area. At the same time, to cope with the present situation of significant reduction in number of customers for business and conference, Wangfujing Grand Hotel proactively changed its business strategy by enhancing the development of group travel market, expanding marketing channels and strengthening sales through online booking so as to expand market while minimising cost. Currently, the Group owns 100% interest in Westin Beijing, Chaoyang

and Wangfujing Grand Hotel.

Situated inside Jin Mao Tower, Grand Hyatt Shanghai was negatively affected by global financial crisis, and the average occupancy rate and average room rate both fell by different magnitudes. Through the introduction of healthy internal competition mechanism, the enthusiasm of marketing staff was greatly enhanced. At the same time, the control of cost and expenses was reinforced, making the hotel maintain a leading position among its other competitors in the same region. With the approaching of 2010 Shanghai Expo, a massive influx of tourists will drive up the performance of the hotel more rapidly. As at 30 June 2009, its average occupancy rate was 50.3% (30 June 2008: 62.7%). Currently, the Group owns 100% interest in Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel.二、業務回顧(續)酒店經營板塊今年上半年本集團酒店經營板塊的業務受到整體市場環境的衝擊,特別是本集團在北京、上海等一線城市的高檔酒店受到一定影響,而本集團在海南三亞旅游景區的兩家高檔酒店受到的影響較小,特別是金茂三亞麗思卡爾頓酒店,在危機中抓住機遇,成為國內上半年業績表現最好的酒店之一。本集團正積極地採取多種應對措施以最大程度地減少外部市場環境變化對本集團酒店經營板塊的衝擊。位於北京核心地段的金茂北京威斯汀大飯店和王府井大飯店受到全球金融危機以及08年奧運會後飯店客房供給量過剩的雙重影響,平均入住率和平均房價均有不同程度的下降。截至2009年6月30日,金茂北京威斯汀大飯店客房平均入住率為42.9%(2008年6月30日:不適用),而王府井大飯店客房平均入住率為63.0%(2008年6月30日:70.1%)。金茂北京威斯汀大飯店對外加大細分市場的力度以拓寬市場,對內在推出多種營銷獎勵的措施的同時加強對成本費用的控制,該酒店市場份額正逐步擴大,並擠身於該區域同業競爭組合的前列;王府井大飯店針對商務與會議客源的數量大量減少的現狀,積極轉變經營策略,加大對團體旅游市場的開發,拓寬營銷渠道,加強網上訂房銷售的力度,開拓市場的同時最大限度降低成本。目前,本集團擁有金茂北京威斯汀大飯店和王府井大飯店100%的權益。位於上海金茂大廈內的上海金茂君悅大酒店受到此次金融危機的影響,平均入住率和平均房價均有不同程度的下降。通過引入內部良性的競爭機制,內部營銷人員的工作積極性極大提升,同時加強對成本費用的控制,使得該酒店相對於同區域的其他競爭對手仍保持領先地位。隨着2010年上海世博會的日益臨近,不斷回暖的市場人氣將帶動該酒店業績更快地回升。截至2009年6月30日,上海金茂君悅大酒店客房平均入住率為50.3%(2008年6月30日:62.7%)。目前,本集團擁有上海金茂君悅大酒店100%的權益。


