方兴地产 2009 中期报告(11)


方兴地产 2009 中期报告






位於上海浦東陸家嘴金融貿易區內的金茂大廈作為中國標誌性建築之一,卓越的地標效應使其一直成為國內外知名機構在滬辦公的首選場所之一。今年上半年受到國際金融危機的影響,其出租率及租金水平受到一定影響,但本集團積極採取相應對策,盡可能減少租戶退租對金茂大廈整體租賃業務的影響,出租率水平保持在高位,租金水平仍保持穩定。截至2009年6月30日,金茂大廈的出租率為92.2%(2008年6月30日:98.0%)。主要租戶為財富500強公司或福布斯2000公司及本集團關聯公司。目前,本集團擁有金茂大廈100%的權益。2. BuSINESS REvIEW (Continued)

Property leasing segment (Continued)

Situated in Fuxingmen Nei Street within the financial district of Beijing, Beijing Chemsunny World Trade Centre is widely recognised by its clients throughout the market due to its prime location and ideal quality, and it continuously maintains a high level of occupancy rate and high rental income. As at 30 June 2009, the occupancy rate of the Central and West Towers of Beijing Chemsunny World Trade Centre was 95.9% (30 June 2008: 94.2%). The primary tenants of this property are Sinochem Group and its related companies, and some eminent companies from other fields including finance and consultancy. Currently, the Group holds 100% interest in Beijing Chemsunny World Trade Centre.

Situated in the heart of Beijing on Fuxingmen Wai Street, the prime location of the business circle of the financial street, Sinochem Tower carried out aggressive leasing promotion activities in the first half of 2009 to overcome the impact of termination of tenancy terms by some tenants at the beginning of the year, as a result, its occupancy rate maintained at high levels and rental rates were fairly stable. As at 30 June 2009, the occupancy rate of the Sinochem Tower was 93.4% (30 June 2008: 95.1%). The principal tenants are eminent enterprises in the finance, software, and consultancy industries and the related companies of the Group. Currently, the Group holds 100% interest in the Sinochem Tower.

Situated in the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone of Pudong, Shanghai, Jin Mao Tower is one of China’s landmark buildings and it has become one of the most preferred locations for domestic and overseas well-known institutions to set up their offices in Shanghai. In the first half of 2009, the occupancy rate and rental level were affected by the global financial crisis to certain extent, whereas the Group took proactive measures to minimise the impact of surrender of tenancy of some tenants on the overall leasing business of Jin Mao Tower. As a result, the occupancy rate remained at a high level and rental levels also remained stable. As at 30 June 2009, the occupancy rate of the offices in Jin Mao Tower was 92.2% (30 June 2008: 98.0%). The primary tenants are the Fortune 500 companies, Forbes 2000 companies and the related companies of the Group. Currently, the Group owns 100% interest in Jin Mao Tower.




