Old 和 young 是反义词,但它们代表两个极端,中间还存在着代表年老和年轻的不同程度的其它语言形式,如 middle-aged, mature, elderly.
b) Complementary antonyms 互补反义词
A pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other.
互补反义词具有这样的特征,否定其中一个就意味着肯定另一个。也就是说,是一个非此即彼、非彼即此的问题。 示例:
Male/ female alive/dead
c) Relational opposites 关系反义词
Pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items are called relational opposites. 在意义上现实出逆向关系的一对词语叫关系反义词。 示例:
Wife/ husband father/ son teacher/ pupil doctor/ patient buy/ sell above/ below
5. Sense relations between sentences
1) X is synonymous with Y. X和Y 是同义关系 示例:
X: He is a bachelor all his life. Y: He never married all his life. 如果X是真的,Y也是真的,如果X是假的,Y也是假的。 2) X is inconsistent with Y. X和Y是前后矛盾关系 示例:
X: John is married. Y: John is a bachelor. 如果X是真的,Y就是假的,如果X是假的,Y就是真的。 3) X entails Y (Y is an entailment of X) X蕴涵Y (Y是X的蕴涵) 示例:
X: John married a blond heiress (女继承人). Y: John married a blond.
4) X presupposes Y. (Y is a prerequisite of X) X预示Y (Y是X的先决条件) 示例:
X: John s bike needs repairing. Y: John has a bike.
5) X is a contradiction. X是个矛盾句 示例:
X: My unmarried sister is married to bachelor. X句子本身自相矛盾,它永远是假的。 6) X is semantically anomalous. 句子X在语义上反常 示例:
X: The table has bad intentions.
X 在语义上反常,它就是荒唐的。
6. Analysis of meaning
1) Componential analysis – a way to analyze lexical
语义成分分析法 - 一种词义分析法
The approach is based upon the belief that the meaning of a
word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. Plus and minus signs are used to indicate whether a certain semantic feature is present or absent in the meaning of a word, and these feature symbols are usually written in capitalized letters.
One advantage of componential analysis is that by specifying the semantic features of certain words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in meaning.
成分分析的一个好处是,通过列出某些单词的语义特征,就可能显示这些单词在意义上有什么联系。 示例:
Man 和 woman 这两个单词有 +HUMAN, + ADULT, + ANIMATE这些共同的特征,但在MALE这一特征上不同。 Man 和 boy这两个单词有 +HUMAN, +ANIMATE, +MALE这些共同的特征,但在ADULT这一特征上不同。
2) Predication analysis – a way to analyze sentence meaning 述谓结构分析 - 一种句义分析法
Linguists have proposed different ways to analyze the meaning of sentences. They might differ in their framework of analysis, but they share the aim to abstract the meaning of sentences. What we are going to introduce briefly is the predication analysis proposed by the linguist G Leech.
In grammatical analysis, the sentence is taken to be the basic unit, and it is analyzed into such grammatical components as subject, predicate, and attribute.
In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called predication, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. This applies to all forms of sentence, including statements, imperative and interrogative forms.
A predication consists of argument(s) and predicate.
An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element(s) in a sentence.
A predicate is something said about an argument or it states the logical relation linking the arguments n a sentence. 一个述谓由一个或数个论元和一个谓词组成。
句子的语法形式不影响其语义述谓,下列所有句子具有同样的述谓: Tom smokes. Tom is smoking.
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