David老师的SAT部落---巴郎3500音标版(Word List 3-Wor(9)
Word List 4 apotheosis-astigmatism
apotheosis [ ,p θi' usis] N. /神化,典范/elevation to godhood; an ideal
example of something. The apotheosis of a Roman emperor was designed to insure his eternal greatness: people would worship at his altar forever. The hero of the musical How to Succeed in Business ... was the apotheosis of yuppieness: he was the perfect upwardly-bound young man on the make.
appall [ 'p :l] V. /使惊慌,震惊/dismay; shock. We were appalled by the
horrifying conditions in the city's jails.
apparatus [,æp 'reit s] N. /器械,设备/equipment. Firefighters use specialized
apparatus to fight fires.
apparition [,æp 'ri n] N. /鬼,幽灵/ghost; phantom. On the castle battlements,
an apparition materialized and spoke to Hamlet, warning him of his uncle's treachery. In Ghostbusters, hordes of apparitions materialized, only to be dematerialized by the specialized apparatus wielded by Bill Murray.
appease [ 'pi:z] V. /平静,安抚/pacify or soothe; relieve. Tom and Jody tried to
appease the crying baby by offering him one toy after another, but he would not calm down until they appeased his hunger by giving him a bottle.
appellation [,æp 'lei n] N. /名字,标题/name; title. Macbeth was startled when
the witches greeted him with an incorrect appellation. Why did they call him Thane of Cawdor, he wondered, when the holder of that title still lived?
append [ 'pend] V. /追加,附上/attach. When you append a bibliography to a
text, you have just created an appendix.
application [,æpli'kei n] N. /勤奋的付出/diligent attention. Pleased with how
well Tom had whitewashed the fence, Aunt Polly praised him for his application to the task. apply, V. (secondary meaning)
apposite ['æp uzit] ADJ. /合适的/appropriate; fitting. He was always able to
find the apposite phrase, the correct expression for every occasion.