David老师的SAT部落---巴郎3500音标版(Word List 3-Wor(10)



appraise [ 'preiz] V. /估价/estimate value of. It is difficult to appraise the value

of old paintings; it is easier to call them priceless. appraisal, N.

appreciate [ 'pri: ieit] V. /感激;增值;赏识/be thankful for; increase in worth; be

thoroughly conscious of. Little Orphan Annie truly appreciated the stocks Daddy Warbucks gave her, which appreciated in value considerably over the years.

apprehend [,æpri'hend] V. /逮捕;惧怕;领会/arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive.

The police will apprehend the culprit and convict him before long.

apprehension [,æpri'hen n] N. /害怕/fear. His nervous glances at the

passersby on the deserted street revealed his apprehension.

apprenticeship [ 'prentis ip] N. /学徒身份/time spent as a novice learning a

trade from a skilled worker. As a child, Pip had thought it would be wonderful to work as Joe's apprentice; now he hated his apprenticeship and scorned the blacksmith's trade.

apprise [ 'praiz] V. /告诉/inform. When he was apprised of the dangerous

weather conditions, he decided to postpone his trip.

approbation [,æpr u'bei n] N. /同意,批准/approval. She looked for some sign

of approbation from her parents, hoping her good grades would please them.

appropriate [ 'pr uprieit, 'pr upri t] V. /获得;挪用,据为己有/acquire; take

possession of for one's own use. The ranch owners appropriated the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use.

apropos ['æpr p u, ,æpr 'p u] PREP. /关于/with reference to; regarding. I find

your remarks apropos of the present situation timely and pertinent. also ADJ. and ADV.

aptitude ['æptitju:d] N. /能力,才能/fitness; talent. The counselor gave him an

aptitude test before advising him about the career he should follow.

aquatic [ 'kwætik] ADJ. /与水有关系的/pertaining to water. Paul enjoyed

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