David老师的SAT部落---巴郎3500音标版(Word List 3-Wor(15)



asinine ['æsinain] ADJ. /愚蠢/stupid. Your asinine remarks prove that you

have not given this problem any serious consideration.

askance [ 'skæns] ADJ. /瞄,不经意的斜视/with a sideways or indirect look.

Looking askance at her questioner, she displayed her scorn.

askew [ 'skju:] ADJ. /歪斜/crookedly; slanted; at an angle. When he placed

his hat askew upon his head, his observers laughed.

asperity [æ'sper ti] N. /严酷,粗暴/sharpness (of temper). These remarks,

spoken with asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed.

aspirant [ 'spai r nt] N. /有志者;有抱负的人/seeker after position or status.

Although I am an aspirant for public office, I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses. alsoADJ.

aspire [ 'spai ] V. /热望;热心于/seek to attain; long for. Because he

aspired to a career in professional sports, Philip enrolled in a graduate program in sports management. aspiration, N.

assail [ 'seil] V. /攻击/assault. He was assailed with questions after his


assay [ 'sei] V. /分析;化验/analyze; evaluate. When they assayed the ore,

they found that they had discovered a very rich vein. also N.

assent [ 'sent] V. /同意;接受/agree; accept. It gives me great pleasure to

assentto your request.

assert [ 's :t] V. /断言/declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward

boldly. Malcolm asserted that if Reese quit acting like a wimp and asserted himself a bit more, he'd improve his chances of getting a date. assertion, N.

assessment [ 'sesm nt] N. /评价,评估;判断/evaluation; judgment. Your SAT I

score plays a part in the admission committee's assessment of you as an applicant.

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