David老师的SAT部落---巴郎3500音标版(Word List 3-Wor(2)
definition. As soon as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy; right now, our plans are still amorphous.
amphibian [æm'fibi n] ADJ. /两栖的/able to live both on land and in water.
Frogs are classified as amphibian. also N.
amphitheater ['æmfi,θi t ] N. /椭圆形的剧院,斗兽场/oval building with tiers of
seats. The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators.
ample ['æmpl] ADJ. /丰富的,富足的/abundant. Bond had ample
opportunity to escape. Why did he let us catch him?
amplify ['æmplifai] V. /放大/broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make
stronger. Charlie Brown tried to amplify his remarks, but he was drowned out by jeers from the audience. Lucy was smarter: she used a loudspeaker to amplify her voice.
amputate ['æmpjuteit] V. /截肢,切除/cut off part of body; prune. When the
doctors had to amputate the young man's leg to prevent the spread of cancer, he did not let the loss of a limb keep him from participating in sports.
amulet ['æmjulit] N. /护身符/charm; talisman. Around her neck she wore the
amulet that the witch doctor had given her.
anachronistic [ ,nækr 'nistik,-k l] ADJ. /时代错误/having an error involving time
in a story. The reference to clocks in Julius Caesar is anachronistic: clocks did not exist in Caesar's time. anachronism, N.
analgesic [,ænæl'd i:sik] ADJ. /止痛的/causing insensitivity to pain. The
analgesic qualities of this lotion will provide temporary relief.
analogous [ 'næl ɡ s] ADJ. /类似的/comparable. She called our attention to
the things that had been done in an analogous situation and recommended that we do the same.
analogy [ 'næl d i] N. /类比,相似/similarity; parallelism. A well-known
analogy compares the body's immune system with an army whose defending troops are the lymphocytes or white blood cells.