


A. instrumental B. integrative C. resultative D. intrinsic

31. Among various divisions of learning strategies. Those by Chamot (1986) and Oxford (1990) are widely accepted. “The techniques in planning monitoring and evaluating one s learning” is called ________.

A. cognitive B. metacognitive C. affect D. social

32. In the following statements about motivation, which one is NOT true?

A. It is defined as the learner s attitudes and affective state or learning drive.

B. It has a strong impact on a learner s efforts in learning a second language.

C. It plays an important role in learners use of learning strategies.

D. It occurs only when learners learn a second language for external purpose.

33. ________ s Input Hypothesis is one of the most famous theories among different models of language acquisition.

A. Krashen B. Chomsky C. Austine D. Halliday

34. The study of the relationship between brain and language is called _______.

A. sociolinguistics B. macrolinguistics

C. microlinguistics D. neurolinguistics

35. The brain stem maintains the essential functions EXCEPT ______.

A. heart rate B. muscle co-ordination

C. respiration D. memory

36. The “right ear advantage” means ________.

A. the right ear has an advantage for the perception of linguistic signals.

B. the right ear is better at environmental sounds such as bird songs

C. human beings can get sounds only from the right ear

D. the left ear can t get the linguistic signals at any time

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